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Expert Installation & Repair of Skylight Shades in Tucson, AZ

Skylight shades are custom, high-end shades designed to offer you complete control over the natural light from your skylight. Installing these custom window shades will enhance your privacy and comfort, improve the energy efficiency of your skylights, and improve the aesthetics and ambiance of your home.

At B & D Custom Blinds, we are experts in installing, repairing, and maintaining skylight shades in Tucson, AZ. We can help you choose the perfect shades to enhance the comfort and privacy of your home, and can find the perfect solutions for large commercial spaces. Call us to schedule an on-site consultation and request a free estimate.

Beautiful Skylight Shade

Benefits of Installing Shades for Skylights

Skylight window shades can offer precise control over natural light, heat gain and loss, privacy, and ambiance. When you install these specialized window treatments, you will enjoy these benefits:

  • Enhanced Light Control – Enjoy full control over the level of natural light that enters your home. Adjust the shades easily to reduce glare, prevent heat gain, and minimize heat loss.
  • Greater Energy Efficiency – Prevent heat gain and loss with insulated shades that improve temperature regulation, reduce wear and tear on your heating and cooling system, and maintain a comfortable temperature in your home year-round.
  • Total UV Protection – Block up to 99% of harmful UV rays and reduce the risk of fading, discoloration, and damage to carpeting, upholstery, artwork, and other belongings. Blackout shades can also create a relaxing, dark space that can improve sleep habits.
  • Improved Aesthetic Appeal – Choose from a wide range of colors and designs that can enhance your home’s decor and aesthetics.
  • Complete Privacy – Improve your security and privacy by preventing anyone from seeing inside your home.

Our Skylight Shade Services

We specialize in the installation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of manual and motorized skylight window shade systems. We can help you choose the perfect option for your home or business and will work carefully with you to make sure your shades complement your interior decor and align with your personal taste and goals. Call us now to schedule a consultation for the installation of:

  • Manual Skylight Shades
  • Skylight Power Shades
  • Skylight Roller Shades
  • Motorized Skylight Shades
  • Cellular Skylight Shades
  • Blackout Skylight Shades
  • Custom Skylight Shades

Skylight Window Shades Installation Process

We use a thorough, in-depth process for custom window treatment installation. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and ensure you have window coverings that enhance the comfort, value, privacy, and energy efficiency of your home. When you call us for skylight window shade services, you can expect this process:

  • On-Site Consultation – Our team will come to your home or business to assess your space, discuss your needs and goals, and help you explore your options.
  • Precise Measurement and Customization – We ensure precise measurements for a perfect fit, and offer a wide range of customization options so you can get the perfect window treatments for your needs.
  • Professional Installation – Our installation team is highly skilled and trained, and certified to install a wide range of different types of custom window treatments. We’ll make sure your skylight shades are installed perfectly and are built to last.
  • Seamless Integration With Smart Home Systems – We can integrate your motorized skylight shades with your existing smart home automation system so that you can immediately begin customizing the features you want and creating routines or schedules.
  • Testing and Final Adjustments – We will test all components and settings to ensure they function perfectly, and make any necessary final adjustments.
  • Ongoing Support – Even after installation, we offer ongoing support, including inspections and troubleshooting, maintenance and repairs, and replacement.

Reliable Skylight Shade Repairs

Once you have invested in skylight shades, we’ll do everything possible to ensure they work safely and reliably for years to come. This includes providing ongoing support, maintenance, inspections, and repairs. Our team has the expertise, tools, and knowledge needed to handle any malfunction, quickly diagnosing the problem and finding the most efficient solution. We can do repairs on-site, or you can use our convenient mail-in repair service. Some common skylight shade repairs we handle include:

  • Motor or mechanism failures
  • Fabric damage
  • Cord or chain issues
  • Damaged tracks or rails
  • Electrical and power problems
  • Sensor and automation failures

Why Choose B & D Custom Blinds

At B & D Custom Blinds, we are proud to be the top choice for local window treatment installation and repair. Since 1999, we have been providing quality products, exceptional workmanship and customer service, and ongoing repairs to support the lifespan of our products. When you choose us for your window treatment needs, you’ll get:

  • Expert installation by technicians with extensive experience, training, and certifications.
  • Access to a wide range of quality products that are perfect for any home or business.
  • High-quality materials that are durable and designed to last.
  • Improved energy efficiency, comfort, privacy, and value for your home or business.
  • Seamless, stress-free smart home integration for motorized blinds and shades.
  • Exceptional customer service from dedicated professionals.
  • Fast, efficient repairs with no need to remove your shades.
  • Certified technicians experienced in repairing all major skylight shade systems.
  • Transparent pricing and a commitment to quality service.

Find the Perfect Skylight Shades for Your Home

Let our team help you find the perfect skylight shades in Tucson, AZ for your home or business. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation, and we’ll come to you to assess and measure your space, show you samples, and help you visualize how the shades will look when installed. We offer expert installation, repair, and replacement of window shades as well as custom window treatments for residential and commercial properties.

Enhance Your Space with Custom Window Treatments