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Professional Blind Repair in Tucson, AZ

Hunter Douglas Authorized Service Center in Tucson, AZ

Once you have invested in custom blinds for your home, you’ll want to do everything you can to keep them functioning safely and properly and looking their best. At B & D Custom Blinds, our blind repair services can extend the lifespan of your blinds, eliminating the need to dispose of damaged blinds and install new ones. We understand the frustration of damaged, broken, and malfunctioning blinds and work efficiently to identify the problem and find the most cost-effective solution. Our team has years of experience repairing all types of blinds, and our in-home repair services maximize your convenience and help you avoid hassle. Call us to request an estimate for professional blind repair in Tucson, AZ.

Repair Price List Contact Us


Man applying glue to window blinds

Why Hire a Professional for Blind Repair Services?

While window blinds may seem simple, they actually consist of many small moving parts that work together to ensure seamless operation. Our team of blind repair technicians has the knowledge, tools, and expertise needed to quickly identify and solve blind issues. We can save you time and money and help you avoid stress and inconvenience. We work hard and use quality parts to ensure repairs that enhance the functionality and beauty of your window treatments. Avoid the risks of DIY blind repair and guarantee fast, effective results that last when you work with our team. Explore our blind repair and service charge price list here.



Common Blind Problems We Fix

Even if you’re careful with your blinds, they may eventually develop problems due to wear and tear, damage from children or animals, or environmental factors. We can handle any blind problem, big or small, with minimal inconvenience to you. The most common blind problems we fix are:

  • Broken or misaligned slats
  • Non-functioning cords or chains
  • Broken or stuck mechanisms
  • Damaged motorized systems
  • Damaged tracks or rails

Types of Blinds We Repair

We can repair all types of window blinds and will tailor our approach and tools to your window blind type and material. We begin with an assessment of the age, condition, and performance of your blinds and then find efficient solutions for any problem. We can repair:

  • Mini Blinds and Horizontal Blinds – We offer mini blind, horizontal blind, and venetian blind repairs. We can repair wood blinds, faux wood blinds, and aluminum blinds. We recommend replacing plastic or vinyl blinds, as they are inexpensive and cheaply made and are not worth the cost of repair. We can replace lift cords, tilt gears, cord locks, ladder barrels, ladder supports, and wands.
  • Vertical Blinds – We will evaluate your blinds to determine if it would be more cost-effective to invest in vertical blinds repair or just replace individual slats or the entire system. We can replace broken traverse cords, tilt gears, and stems or carriers. Our vertical blind repairs for tabs can improve the function of your blinds and eliminate the need for installing new blinds.
  • Roman Blinds – Roman blinds are expensive, and repairing them can protect your investment and help you avoid the cost of new blinds. We can replace broken strings, eyelets, and fabric slats. We can replace tension springs, roller tubes, brackets, pins, and more.
  • Roller Shades – If your roller shades are malfunctioning, we can determine why and recommend repair or replacement.
  • Cellular Shades – Cellular shades, accordion shades, and pleated shades can be repaired to extend their lifespan and improve their performance and energy efficiency. We can replace broken lift cords, cord loops, and other broken components.
  • Motorized Blinds and Shades – Due to their complexity and the number of small moving parts, motorized blinds and shades require professional repair. We can identify the problem and determine the most effective solution.
  • Plantation Blinds – Plantation shutters or plantation blinds repair services can help you avoid the expense of installing new window treatments. We can replace broken slats, tilt rods, and other components.

Additional Window Blind Repairs We Offer

We also offer additional repair services that can enhance the functionality, safety, and aesthetics of your blinds. We can perform:

  • Cord repair
  • Slat replacement
  • Track repair
  • Re-stringing or re-gluing
  • Motor and remote control repair

Specialty Window Blinds Repair Services

Our goal is to improve the function, beauty, and lifespan of your blinds so that you won’t need to invest in new ones. Our specialty services are designed to find solutions for unique, custom, or high-end window blinds:


Why Choose B & D Custom Blinds

B & D Custom Blinds is a family-owned and operated local business that has been providing quality blind services since 1999. When you work with us for blind repair services, you’re getting:

  • Quality Service – Our window treatment installation and repair technicians regularly update their skills to provide the best service.
  • Extensive Experience – With more than a decade of experience, we have successfully built a team of professionals who are always willing to deliver. Our professionalism allows us to accomplish repairs and installations that most competitors won’t attempt. The best part is that our services are affordable and are designed to suit any budget.
  • Professionalism and Dedication – Our team of dedicated experts will show up and work professionally and efficiently in your business or home. Above all, we ensure you understand how to maintain and operate your window coverings.
  • Enhanced Home Safety – We consider the safety of your kids and pets a major priority. To this end, we educate businesses and homeowners on the possible dangers posed by blind cords.

Request an Estimate From Our Blind Repair Company

Our repair technicians are certified in Graber Mechoshade, Q-motion, Lutron, Somfy, and Hunter Douglas blind repairs. We can install, inspect, repair, and replace all types of shades, blinds, and shutters. Our flexible, personalized process can extend the lifespan of your window treatments while enhancing their safety, beauty, and functionality. Call us now or contact us online to request a free estimate for residential or commercial blind repair services in Tucson, AZ.

Enhance Your Space with Custom Window Treatments